Digital Signature Registration

Digital signature registration refers to the process of obtaining a digital signature certificate (DSC) from a certifying authority (CA) in order to sign electronic documents and transactions with legal validity.A digital signature is a unique code that identifies the signer and provides a way to verify the authenticity and integrity of an electronic document or transaction. It works in a similar way to a handwritten signature, but uses a mathematical algorithm to encrypt the signature and link it to the signer’s identity.
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Overview of Digital Signature Registration

DSC or Digital Signature is a physical signature in an electronic format. Digital Signatures are used in India for online transactions such as Filing Annual Return, Company or LLP Incorporation, Income Tax E-Filing, E-Tenders, etc. It is used to validate the authenticity of the signatories and to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents submitted online. As such, all filings by the companies/LLP are done under MCA 21 e-governance program are required to be filed using Digital Signature by the person authorized to sign the documents.

  • DSC or Digital Signature is a physical signature in an electronic format.
  • Digital Signatures are used in India for online transactions such as Filing Annual Return, Company or LLP Incorporation, Income Tax E-Filing, E-Tenders, etc.
  • It is used to validate the authenticity of the signatories and to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents submitted online.
  • As such, all filings by the companies/LLP are done under MCA 21 e-governance program are required to be filed using Digital Signature by the person authorized to sign the documents.

Advantages of Digital Signature Registration

SecurityDSCs provide enhanced security as they are unique and tamper-proof. They help ensure the authenticity of documents and transactions, preventing fraud and misuse.
ConvenienceDSCs eliminate the need for physical signatures, making transactions and document signing more convenient and faster. They can be used for various purposes such as filing tax returns, e-tendering, and online banking
Cost-effective DSCs are cost-effective and eliminate the need for printing, scanning, and mailing physical documents
Time-savingDSCs save time as they eliminate the need for physical signatures and can be used to sign documents and conduct transactions online in a matter of minutes
Legal recognitionDSCs are legally recognized under the Information Technology Act, 2000, providing the same legal status as physical signatures


Registration Process

Step 1: Digital Signature: Legal Suvidha Providers can help obtain Digital Signature in India. Digital Signature can be provided within 1-2 working days after application submission.

Step 2: Submission of Documents: Once you submit the documents, we will create all your required documents and file them with the authorized agency on your behalf.

Step 3: Courier: Once the Digital Signature USB token is ready, Legal Suvidha will courier the USB token to your address.

Required Documents

1. Applicant’s identity proof such as PAN card

2. Applicant’s address proof such as Aadhar card, Voter ID card, etc

3. Passport size photograph

FAQ's Digital Signature Registration :-

Digital Signature is an electronic format of a physical signature.
Digital Signatures are valid for 1-2 years only. It can be renewed once the validity period expires.
It takes about 1-2 working days from the date of application to obtain a Digital Signature.
A Digital Signature can be obtained by any person (Indian Citizen and Foreign Nationals) and any type of business entity (Partnership, LLP, Company, Trust and others).

Get Started

1. Application

Fill out the application form & other details.

2. Payment

Make the payment through online mode.

3. Process

We will process your application.

4. Confirmation

A mail will be send on completion.

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