Company Law

MCA notifies Companies Third Amendment

MCA notifies Companies Third Amendment

MCA Notifies Companies Third Amendment Rule, 2022 The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), on 18th August 2022, notified Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2022, to further amend the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. Vide this amendment, MCA has announced a new Rule 25B, which is about Physical verification of the registered Office of the Company. The …

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Certificate of Commencement of Business

Certificate of Commencement of Business

Certificate of Commencement of Business Commencement of Business’ this concept was there in the erstwhile Companies Act, 1956 and it was also introduced by the Companies Act, 2013 under the Section 11 of the Companies Act, 2013. However, section 11 was omitted (deleted) LATER ON by the companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 w.e.f. 29th May 2015. Declaration …

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Filling of Annual Return of Companies

Filling of Annual Return of Companies

Filling of Annual Return of  Companies is necessary with the registrar of companies (ROC). The annual return contains all the information related to the shareholders, directors, debenture holders, and shareholding pattern as of the last day of the financial year. Every company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 or any other previous Companies Act other …

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Non-Compliance with NFRA Rules

Non-Compliance with NFRA Rules

 Non-Compliance with NFRA Rules Overview of National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), Rules 2018 MCA has introduced National Financial Reporting Authority Rules, 2018 vide notification dated 13th November, 2018 to provide for matters relating to accounting and auditing standards under the Companies Act, 2013. Applicable Laws: Section 132(2) :Constitution of National Financial Reporting Authority. Section 132(4) : …

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Form DPT-3

Form DPT-3

DPT 3- RETURN OF DEPOSITS LAST DATE TO FILE IS 30.06.2022 Every Company including OPC and small companies need to file Form DPT-3, except for the following companies: Government Company Banking Company Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCs) registered with RBI Housing Finance Company (HFCs) registered with the National Housing Bank. Who has to file DPT-3? Form …

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